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April 13, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Parks & Recreation
Regular Meeting
April 13, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.  Present were Kevin Heman, Ron Milenski, Kelton Burbank and Parks & Rec Director Sue Shanahan. Kevin McGahey and Chris Alsdorf were absent.

Eagle Scout Project – Michael Somes
Scout Michael Somes discussed details of a project he would like complete for his Eagle Scout rank. Michael is proposing to have two clean up days in May for the paths and trails in the backfields of Thomas Prince School. He is planning for a total of one hundred man-hours.  Sue will post a notice on the web site to make people aware of the project and Michael will send out flyers and coordinate the volunteers.  The Committee is willing to assist in any way and asked to be kept informed. Ron offered to help with a chain saw before the official clean up day. Michael will talk with Glenn Lyons about chipping and stone dust. Michael will arrange to provide lunch to volunteers Sue will check to see if the Snack Shack will be available.

Chris Alsdorf, Leave of Absence
The Committee reviewed a letter from Chairman, Chris Alsdorf requesting a six-month leave of absence from the Committee. Chris works very hard and volunteers in many areas and is extremely busy at this time.
Ron moved to recommend Chris take a six-month leave of absence and appoint Kevin Heman as interim Chairman. Kelton seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Parks & Rec Director Updates
Sue provided the following updates.
  • Snow Day – profit was $1,096.00 Sue will send a thank you note to Wachusett Mountain.
  • Field Use Policy- Sue is getting requests for private parties to use the fields. A policy needs to be drafted. Discussion about charging the hourly field lease rate. Sue will check with other towns to see how they handle. The town is open to liability when charging for use of the fields.
  • Summer Programs- will include basketball, horseback lessons, drama camp golf lessons, and Red Cross babysitting. Recreation programs with Rutland are available and a soccer camp for younger kids may be added.
  • 2nd Annual Summer Kickoff Celebration will be held on June 20 in conjunction the PTA and the 250th celebration.
  • Everett Needham Field House Lease Update- So far, no one has agreed to lease the business. Ed Carlson will work on finding candidates. FC United is interested in a spring lease as part of a fundraiser.
FY09 Fertilizer Bid
Ron received three bids for fertilizer. The low bid was for $6,610.80 and will cover applications for spring, summer, late summer and fall for all fields except Center School (which will be added next year).
Ron moved to use Valley Green and Grass Roots as the low bidder in the amount of $6,610.80 for applications as stated in the proposal. Kevin seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Sod for Goal Areas at Krashes & Maps of All Fields
Both goal areas at Krashes need sod. Ron received a price of $2,480.00 for the main field. The Committee agreed to have it done at the end of the fall season provided there is money available in the budget.
Brenda will get plot plans of the fields and the Committee will discuss a strategy that will utilize the fields in the most efficient manner. Field rotation will be discussed at the next meeting.

FY10 Budget
Sue will assist the Committee with the FY10 budget. Brenda will provide FY08 and FY09 expense summaries to Sue.

Playground Equipment
The Committee needs to know if the $13,000 set aside by Dennis in the Grounds Maintenance account to purchase equipment is still available and an additional $1,000 per year for FY10, FY11, and FY11. Brenda will research and report back.

Donation Policy Draft
Ron drafted donation policy. The Committee reviewed and will continue to discuss at the next meeting.

Administrative Business
The following invoices were approved for payment:
  • PMLD – $25.44
  • Verizon - $50.31
  • Basketball Refund - $55.00
  • Rutland Rec Uniforms - $252.00
  • Wachusett Mountain - $300.00
  • Rutland Rec Referee - $400.00
The following revenue was received:
  • Snow Day - $1396.00
  • Yoga - $100.00
  • Fast Athletics - $1,750.00
Kelton moved to approve the February 2, 2009 meeting minutes. Kevin seconded.  All in favor (3-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary